While Florida does not have especially harsh laws governing the possession and sale of firearms compared to many other states, there are still many regulations imposed by state law that can have serious consequences if you violate them. Because of that, knowing exactly what you are and are not allowed to do regarding firearm ownership in the Sunshine State can be vital not just to avoiding legal trouble but also to protecting and enforcing your rights should the need arise.
If you are dealing with any kind of criminal investigation or charge related to the possession or purchase of a firearm, you should make speaking with a Boca Raton gun lawyer a top priority. Our defense attorneys at Rossen Law Firm have handled all kinds of gun cases, and we are here to lend an (expert) hand in defending your rights.
Who Can Legally Own Firearms in Boca Raton?
Both federal and state laws impose restrictions on who can legally possess or purchase a firearm in Florida. Anyone who meets any of the following criteria is completely barred from owning a gun:
- One or more prior convictions for any felony or domestic violence crime
- Dishonorable discharge from the U.S. military
- Renounced U.S. citizenship or otherwise an illegal alien
- Documented issues with substance abuse and/or involuntary commitment for psychiatric treatment
- One or more active restraining orders or protective orders against them
- Adjudicated delinquent of a crime that otherwise would have been a felony
- Recently arrested or under indictment for a felony offense
- “Adjudication withheld” for a felony or domestic violence offense, if less than three years have passed since conditions of sentencing were fulfilled
Outside of these categories, anyone over 21 years of age—or 18 years of age if they are a law enforcement officer, correctional officer, or military service member—can purchase rifles and shotguns without a permit, provided they complete a background check and go through a three-day waiting period between purchase and receipt of the firearm. As a Boca Raton gun attorney can further explain, there is also a Florida residency requirement for the purchase of any handgun.
Dealing with Common Gun-Related Criminal Charges
Anyone who carries concealed without the appropriate permit or who carries openly outside of certain situations—for example, while on your own private property—may be subject to arrest and may face misdemeanor or felony-level sanctions. The exact level of a charge depends on where you were located when you were found in possession of the firearm. For example, law enforcement officers and court authorities tend to treat firearm possession on school grounds or inside a government building more harshly than brandishing a firearm in a public place.
Having a firearm on your person can also enhance the penalties associated with a separate crime. You could face minimum prison terms of anywhere from 10 to 25 years in addition to the sentence for the underlying offense. Assistance from an expert gun lawyer in Boca Raton can be especially crucial to handling situations like this effectively.
Discuss Your Options with a Skilled Boca Raton Gun Attorney
We recognize that many weapons crimes come from simply trying to protect yourself or your property. Your right to bear arms is protected under the Second Amendment, and we are here to enforce these rights and fight back against unfair criminal accusations.
Gun charges are high-stakes situations, and you should not try to handle a situation like this alone. Guidance from an expert Boca Raton gun lawyer is crucial to protecting your rights and your future. Set up a free strategy session at our office to get started.