Booking a Strategy Session

Book a Strategy Session Today

Rossen Law Firm is here to help you in your time of need. Whether you have been arrested for a DUI, accused of domestic abuse, or any other matter that you might need a criminal defense attorney we've got you covered. We handle:

  • DUI Arrests
  • Domestic Violence Defense
  • Theft
  • Assault and Battery
  • Weapons Crimes
  • Fraud
  • White Collar Crimes
  • Federal Crimes
  • and More

More About Strategy Sessions


When facing legal challenges, the initial strategy session with Rossen Law Firm goes beyond the typical consultation. Unlike many law firms, Rossen Law Firm doesn't impose a time limit on this critical meeting, recognizing that the complexity of each case varies. This article explores the key aspects of what to expect during your strategy session with Rossen Law Firm in South Florida.

Step 1: Your Story Matters

The foundation of Rossen Law Firm's approach lies in understanding your unique situation. Facing criminal, DUI, or domestic violence charges can be stigmatizing, and Rossen Law Firm acknowledges the importance of hearing your story directly. No matter the circumstances, they aim to support individuals without judgment, recognizing that mistakes happen and people make decisions they regret.

Step 2: Education Is Key

Taking an educational approach, Rossen Law Firm guides clients through the charges, the criminal process, and potential penalties associated with their case. This step aims to empower clients with knowledge, helping them make informed decisions about their legal situation. Different scenarios are explored, and client goals for the present and future are discussed.

Step 3: Unique Defense Strategy

Rossen Law Firm prides itself on transparency. During the initial consultation, the defense strategy is openly disclosed. By reviewing initial police reports together, potential issues with the investigation and violations of rights are identified. This transparent approach ensures clients understand the reasoning behind the chosen strategy.

Step 4: Fee Structure

Understanding the financial aspect is crucial, and Rossen Law Firm operates on a flat fee basis for criminal, domestic violence, and DUI cases. This upfront pricing model ensures clarity, eliminating uncertainties associated with billable hours. The flat fee varies based on case complexity, allowing clients to know the cost upfront after the initial strategy session.

Step 5: Addressing Your Questions

Throughout the strategy session, Rossen Law Firm addresses a wide array of questions that clients may have. From legal intricacies and potential penalties to court procedures and communication policies, clients are provided with the information needed to make informed decisions during emotionally challenging times.

Book your strategy session today by filling out the form. Provide us with as much information as possible so the session can be as productive as possible for you. Rossen Law Firm is ready to be your shield today.