
In the United States, healthcare fraud costs taxpayers billions of dollars every year, with estimates reaching as high as $68 billion annually.

We know how much emotional strain facing healthcare fraud charges is, especially when your career and reputation are at stake. That is why we are dedicated to providing strong, compassionate defense to those accused of healthcare fraud. Our experienced healthcare fraud attorneys in Fort Lauderdale will guide you through this challenging time, protecting your rights and ensuring your voice is heard.

If you’re facing healthcare fraud charges in Fort Lauderdale, don’t wait to seek legal help. Contact Rossen Law Firm today at (754) 206-6200 for a free consultation and let us help you build a robust defense.

Fort Lauderdale Healthcare Fraud Guide

Why Choose Rossen Law Firm’s Fort Lauderdale Healthcare Fraud Lawyers?

Choosing the right legal representation can make all the difference when facing healthcare fraud charges.

Extensive Experience and Proven Success

attorneys of rossen law

Rossen Law Firm boasts a team of seasoned Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorneys with a wealth of experience handling healthcare fraud cases. Our legal experts have a successful track record of defending clients against a wide range of fraud charges, from complex billing schemes to allegations of kickbacks. Our firm is committed to providing robust defenses tailored to each client’s unique circumstances, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

  • Award-Winning Legal Team: Super Lawyers, Avvo, and other prestigious organizations have recognized our attorneys for their excellence in criminal defense.
  • Client-Focused Approach: We understand the personal and professional stakes involved in healthcare fraud cases, and we work tirelessly to protect our clients’ rights and reputations.

Conveniently Located in Fort Lauderdale

Our Fort Lauderdale office is conveniently located near Chase Stadium, with easy access from I-95. You’ll find us just minutes away from the heart of the city, providing easy access for clients throughout South Florida. The firm’s central location ensures that we can promptly address your legal needs and offer convenient in-person consultations.

Personalized Service and Comprehensive Support

With over 750 five-star reviews, our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction speaks for itself.

  • Comprehensive Legal Support: From the initial consultation to trial, we stand by our clients every step of the way, providing clear communication and expert guidance.
  • Team-Oriented Approach: Our collaborative team ensures that each case benefits from the collective expertise and diverse perspectives of six award-winning defense attorneys.

What Is Healthcare Fraud?

Healthcare fraud is a deliberate act of deception or misrepresentation in the healthcare industry for financial gain. It encompasses a range of illegal activities that result in unwarranted payments or benefits from healthcare programs or insurers.

Examples of Healthcare Fraud Activities:

  • Billing for Services Not Rendered: Charging for procedures or tests that medical staff never performed.
  • Upcoding: Billing for more expensive procedures than those actually provided.
  • Kickbacks: Receiving or providing improper payments for patient referrals.
  • Falsifying Patient Records: Altering records to justify unnecessary procedures.
  • Unbundling: Separating services that staff should bill together to increase charges.
  • Misrepresenting Diagnoses: Changing patient diagnoses to fit treatments not covered.

Relevant Laws and Statutes Governing Healthcare Fraud


Several federal and state laws govern healthcare fraud, aiming to protect public funds and maintain the integrity of the healthcare system.

  • Federal Healthcare Fraud Statute (18 U.S.C. § 1347): Prohibits schemes to defraud any healthcare benefit program.
  • False Claims Act (31 U.S.C. §§ 3729–3733): Targets fraudulent claims made to government programs, allowing whistleblowers to file actions.
  • Anti-Kickback Statute (42 U.S.C. § 1320a–7b): Criminalizes the exchange of anything of value for referrals under federally funded programs.
  • Florida Statute § 817.234: Addresses false and fraudulent insurance claims within the state.

Potential Perpetrators:

  • Medical Professionals: Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers involved in fraudulent billing.
  • Healthcare Companies: Hospitals, clinics, and other organizations engaging in deceptive practices.
  • Patients: Individuals submitting false claims for services or prescriptions.
  • Billing and Coding Specialists: Professionals manipulating billing codes for financial gain.

Proving Guilt in Healthcare Fraud Cases

Proving healthcare fraud requires establishing both the intent and the act of deception. This often involves thoroughly examining billing records, patient files, and communications. Key legal terms used in these cases include:

  • Mens Rea (Guilty Mind): Demonstrating the perpetrator’s intent or knowledge of the fraud.
  • Actus Reus (Guilty Act): Proving the fraudulent action occurred.

A successful defense will poke holes in these key principles, sowing reasonable doubt into the case.

Healthcare Fraud Penalties and Damages

Facing healthcare fraud charges can result in severe penalties and damages that extend beyond the courtroom, affecting your finances, career, and reputation.

Economic Penalties

  • Fines and Restitution: Convictions for healthcare fraud often come with hefty fines, which can reach up to hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars, depending on the severity and scale of the fraud. Additionally, those convicted may be required to pay restitution, reimbursing the government or affected parties for losses incurred due to the fraudulent activities.
  • Loss of Income: Exclusion from federal health programs such as Medicare and Medicaid can lead to a significant loss of revenue for medical professionals and healthcare organizations. This exclusion can cripple the financial viability of a practice, leading to long-term economic hardship.

Non-Economic Consequences

  • Damage to Reputation: Allegations of healthcare fraud can tarnish a professional’s reputation, leading to a loss of trust among patients and peers. The stigma associated with fraud charges can linger even after the legal battle is over, making it challenging to rebuild a career in the healthcare industry.
  • Emotional Distress: The stress and anxiety of facing criminal charges, potential imprisonment, and financial ruin can take a significant toll on one’s mental and emotional well-being.

Professional Consequences

  • Loss of Medical Licenses: Convictions for healthcare fraud can result in the suspension or revocation of medical licenses, effectively ending a healthcare professional’s career. Regulatory bodies such as state medical boards often review criminal cases and impose additional sanctions, further complicating the path to professional recovery.
  • Impact on Future Employment: A criminal record for healthcare fraud can limit future employment opportunities, making it difficult to find work in the healthcare industry or other fields that require a clean legal record.

Fort Lauderdale Healthcare Fraud Statistics

Florida consistently ranks among the top for healthcare fraud cases, with South Florida identified as a particular area of concern.

  • Notable Case Statistics: According to the National Healthcare Anti-Fraud Association, Florida accounted for a significant portion of the $4.7 billion recovered in fraud-related cases by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in recent years.
  • Regional Trends: The South Florida region, including Fort Lauderdale, has been a focal point for healthcare fraud investigations, with authorities targeting schemes involving fraudulent billing, kickbacks, and identity theft.

Healthcare and Medicare Fraud Statistics in Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale, part of the broader South Florida region, has been identified as a significant hotspot for healthcare fraud, particularly involving Medicare and Medicaid.

  • Widespread Fraud in Durable Medical Equipment Companies: According to the DOJ, approximately 90% of durable medical equipment companies in South Florida are involved in fraudulent activities, often submitting false claims to Medicare and Medicaid using purchased patient information or kickbacks to physicians.

Enforcement Actions and Convictions

The federal government and state agencies have made concerted efforts to combat healthcare fraud in Florida. The DOJ and the Office of Inspector General often collaborate with local law enforcement to investigate and prosecute cases aggressively.

Given Florida’s reputation as a hotspot for healthcare fraud, an atmosphere of heightened suspicion and intense scrutiny exists within the healthcare industry. This climate of distrust means that even innocent errors or misunderstandings can quickly escalate into serious allegations.

This is why having skilled legal representation is so vital for healthcare providers and organizations operating in Florida, not only to defend against potential charges but also to navigate the complex regulatory landscape and maintain compliance in an environment where every action is under the microscope.

How Rossen Law Firm Can Help You

Defending against healthcare fraud charges is a complex endeavor that requires legal expertise and strategic planning.

Why You Need Legal Representation

Prosecutors often have access to vast resources and experts who specialize in financial and regulatory aspects of the healthcare industry.

Without professional legal representation, individuals accused of healthcare fraud face significant disadvantages in court.

  • Complex Regulations: Healthcare fraud involves numerous federal and state statutes, making it crucial to have an attorney who understands the legal nuances and can effectively challenge the evidence against you.
  • Severe Penalties: The stakes in healthcare fraud cases are high, with potential outcomes including substantial fines, imprisonment, and professional consequences. A skilled attorney can help mitigate these risks by crafting a compelling defense strategy.

Rossen Law Firm’s Approach to Building Your Defense

At Rossen Law Firm, our attorneys utilize a comprehensive approach to build a robust defense tailored to your unique situation.

We meticulously analyze the details of your case, exploring every possible avenue to challenge the prosecution’s claims and protect your interests.

  • Thorough Investigation: Our legal team conducts an exhaustive investigation, scrutinizing financial records, communication logs, and other relevant evidence to identify weaknesses in the prosecution’s case.
  • Expert Witness Collaboration: We work with expert witnesses in fields such as forensic accounting and medical billing to provide testimony that supports your defense and counters the prosecution’s arguments.
  • Strategic Defense Tactics: Our attorneys employ various defense strategies, including questioning the intent behind alleged fraudulent activities (mens rea) and contesting the validity of the evidence presented (actus reus).

Potential Defense Strategies


  • Challenging the Evidence: We scrutinize the evidence against you, seeking to identify inconsistencies or procedural errors that could undermine the prosecution’s case.
  • Proving Lack of Intent: In many cases, demonstrating that there was no intentional wrongdoing is critical to a successful defense. Our attorneys work to show that any alleged actions were mistakes rather than deliberate attempts to defraud.
  • Negotiating with Prosecutors: When appropriate, we negotiate with prosecutors to seek reduced charges or alternative resolutions, such as restitution agreements or community service, that minimize the impact on your life and career.

What to Do After Being Accused of Healthcare Fraud

If you find yourself accused of healthcare fraud, taking the right steps can significantly improve the outcome of your case.

Immediate Steps to Take

  1. Consult with a Lawyer: Contact a knowledgeable attorney, like those at Rossen Law Firm. Early legal intervention can provide crucial guidance and help shape your defense strategy.
  2. Gather and Preserve Evidence: Compile any documents, records, or communications relevant to your case. This includes billing records, emails, contracts, and any other documentation that could support your defense. Keep this information organized and readily accessible for your legal team.
  3. Avoid Making Statements: Do not make statements to investigators or law enforcement without legal representation. Anything you say can be used against you in court, so it’s crucial to have your attorney present during any interviews or discussions.
  4. Conduct a Compliance Review: Work with your legal team to thoroughly review your compliance practices. Identify any areas of concern and take proactive steps to address them, demonstrating your commitment to lawful practices.

Protect Your Future with Rossen Law Firm

Rossen law firm attorney

When facing allegations of healthcare fraud, your future is on the line, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. With the Rossen Law Firm by your side, you gain access to an experienced team dedicated to defending your rights and preserving your professional reputation.

Don’t let healthcare fraud charges ruin your future. Reach out to us today at (754) 206-6200 for a free consultation and discover how we can help secure the best possible outcome for your case.

Rossen Law Firm – Fort Lauderdale Office

6400 N Andrews Ave #510
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Phone: (754) 206-6200

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    kevin tabronkevin tabron
    00:07 08 Sep 22
    In one of the most stressful times in my life, Rossen Law Firm was there for me. Leaving no stone unturned they provided patience and knowledge in every detail of my case. I’m very thankful and proud of this law firm family and especially of my lawyer, Scott Simmons for guiding, defending and helping me in every way possible. He and this law firm family come highly recommended from personal experience!!!
    Jason HigleyJason Higley
    15:24 26 Aug 22
    I had an unfortunate situation with a family member that lead to my arrest and being charged with DV Battery. This was the first time I had ever been arrested so I was very nervous and afraid of what was going to happen to me. After talking with Adam I decided to retain him and let me tell you this was the BEST decision I could have ever made. Adam made me feel so comfortable and confident that everything will turn out the best in my favor. He is professional, ethical and supportive. He was always available too answer any questions or concerns.Not to mention, his team at the office is awesome they are so friendly and welcoming. Anytime I had a question when I called the office they were able to guide me in the rightdirection. They always were in contact with me with any information or updates regarding my case. Adams team is GREAT!Adam delivered, my case was DISMISSED. So if you want an attorney the is gonna fight for you and get the job done retain the BEST there is Adam Rossen!!!
    Felix I HFelix I H
    13:27 28 Jul 22
    Adam Rossen and the team at Rossen Law took great care in handling my case. They are very professional, and get the job done. I was particular relieved to see just how much empathy they showed with me, and how effortless it was to be their client.I literally visited them twice. My initial consultation, and then to pickup the final docs. I have nothing but great things to say about these folks, and I would highly recommend them to anyone. Thanks Guys.
    Terry ChristopherTerry Christopher
    12:32 09 May 22
    I had an amazing experience with The Rossen Law Firm. The staff were very professional. Attorney Susan Lawson went above and beyond working on my case. We were thoroughly prepared for trial. Mrs. Lawson reviewed hours of body and dash camera footage multiple times and aggressively performed depositions on witnesses and law enforcement.The final outcome for me was the state dropped my case, due to the great work Susan and the Rossen team performed. I didn’t even need to go to trial.This law firm does not play around. They pay attention to detail and they FIGHT FOR YOU!Thank you Adam, team, and a special thank you to Susan for your amazing work! I really appreciate you.
    Ketiana ProvinceKetiana Province
    20:27 23 Mar 22
    My experience with Rossen Law Firm was excellent. From the consultation to the end.. My attorney Susan Lawson gave my son's case all the time and attention that was needed to be successful in court. She was confident during all the court proceedings. My favorite part was when she said we are family, never once my son and I were treated other then that. I very much appreciate the knowledge and support I received through Rossen Law Firm.
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