If you smuggled guns from the United States civilian market to criminal organizations in other countries, then you have committed a federal gun crime.
If you were charged in the state of Florida this means you are facing a federal crime and will be charged with the federal crime of gun running, also known as gun trafficking.
Rossen Law Firm can help to protect you and your future, be sure to contact us if you are facing charges for gun smuggling, trafficking or gun-running in South Florida. Even if you think you might be under investigation for gun running, give us a call to see how we can help.
What is a Federal Gun-Running or Trafficking Crime?
Gun-running is the activity of bringing guns and other weapons into a state or country illegally, especially for use against the government.
The legal definition of gun-running or trafficking is smuggling guns and ammunition into a country secretly and illegally.
The federal statute 18 U.S.C. § 924(c) requires the imposition of one of a series of mandatory minimum terms of imprisonment upon conviction for misconduct involving the firearm.
If you are caught gun-running in Fort Lauderdale, you need a skilled federal defense lawyer to defend your case. You may face serious charges, and be left with a bad reputation if found guilty in the conviction.
Lesser consequences for federal gun-running crimes if convicted:
- 5 Years: Using, Carrying, Possessing a Gun in Furtherance of Crime
- 7 years: Brandishing a Gun in Furtherance of Crime of Violence or Drug Trafficking Crime
- 10 years: Possessing a Short-Barreled Rifle, Short-Barreled Shotgun, or Semiautomatic Assault Weapon in Furtherance of Crime of Violence or Drug Trafficking Crime
Higher consequences for federal gun running convictions:
- 30 years: Possessing a Machine Gun, Destructive Device, or Firearm Silencer / Muffler in Furtherance of Crime of Violence or Drug Trafficking Crime
- Life sentence: Second Offense Under § 924(c), when the Offense Involves a Machine Gun, Destructive Device, or Firearm Silencer / Muffler
If you are caught gun-running in Ft. Lauderdale, you should contact an experienced federal criminal defense lawyer right away.
Our defense attorneys are skilled in what they do. Your rights will be protected, as well as your future and livelihood, to the fullest extent.
Rossen Law Firm is a strong advocate for you. We care about you and taking the best approaches for your case.
Federal Gun-Running or Gun Trafficking Defense Strategies
- Fabricated Evidence and Flawed Testimony : Evidence that is fabricated and flawed testimonies from the forensic unit are not applicable to use in court. If we can prove evidence was fabricated, for example, it can help assert your innocence.
- Paid snitches: Paid snitches include confidential informants, and because they’re paid defense lawyers can question the credibility of the informant, and the credibility of their testimony. Inherently they are unreliable and alter the evidence that is provided so it helps the defense raise questions about the “evidence” against someone alleged with a crime.
Free Federal Gun-Running or Trafficking Defense Strategy Session in Fort Lauderdale
We handle all kinds of cases of gun-running and gun trafficking in South Florida at Rossen Law Firm. Fighting for you and making sure that we help you secure the best possible case result is what we do.
We offer FREE strategy sessions so you know how we’ll work to get the best possible result on your case for you. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment for a free consultation.
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