If you are located in the South Florida area and are facing charges for possession, distribution, or production of illicit images of children, do not put your future on the line with an attorney who is not experienced with federal internet crimes charges.
Our experienced attorneys ease the process for you by helping you to understand your legal options. It is important you understand the nature of the charges you are facing for federal distribution of child pornography in South Florida. You can trust that we will work for the best possible outcome on your case.
Child pornography crimes can be state or federal crimes, and federal child porn-related crimes come with much harsher penalties. Generally speaking, a child porn crime will be considered a state crime if the criminal activity is confined to one state, but it will be considered a federal crime if the child porn production or distribution activities happened in multiple states (which is very easy with the internet).
Distributing Child pornography is punished more severely then possessing pornography.
Federal law defines child pornography as sharing materials: allowing another person to copy child pornography imagines and selling images/movies. As well as, file-sharing and forwarding messages: anyone who allows another person to copy child pornography through file sharing programs such as peer to peer networks, emailed to another person, posted in chat rooms, or downloaded to computers.
Florida also has its own laws for distributing child pornography and a defendant may be procured under Federal laws, state laws, or both.
Learn more about Florida State Child Pornography crimes and consequences here.
It is important when facing these charges that you are aware of the consequences and the seriousness of these crimes. Federal Law prohibits the production, distribution, reception, and possession of child pornography.
A conviction of a federal child-porn related crime results in the need to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life.
Any person who attempts or conspires to commit this offense is subject to prosecution under Federal Law.
Punishment for child porn distribution under Federal law 18 U.S.C. § 2252A includes fines and up to 30 years in Prison for first time offenders and sometimes life for repeat offenders.
Consequences for Federal Child Porn crimes include:
Convicted Federal Child Porn offenders may face a harsher prison sentences such as life in prison, based on the if the porn crimes involved the following:
We take Federal Child Porn crimes very seriously and it is our first priority to look for flaws and mistakes in the accusations against you. There are certain elements of a case that a great criminal defense attorney knows to look for as they can destroy the prosecution’s case or allow us to negotiate reduced charges for our clients facing serious felony federal charges in Florida.
There are a variety of potential defenses that we may use to defend you from your South Florida federal child porn case:
Our attorneys have successfully handled a variety of cases for federal distribution of child pornography in South Florida. We make sure to provide each of our client’s with respect, confidentiality, and a judgment free zone. Our aggressive defense team is here to ease the process and ensure your rights and freedom is protected.
We offer FREE strategy sessions so you know how we’ll work to get the best possible result on your case for you. Give us a call today to learn more.
Rossen Law Firm