Charged with a personal liberty crime in Fort Lauderdale? The expert defense attorneys of Rossen Law Firm are here to listen to your side of the story and fight for your rights. Contact our team today to discuss your unique situation with a seasoned South Florida personal liberty crimes lawyer.
What is a Personal Liberty Crime?
At the core, personal liberty crimes involve a person’s intentional actions that intend to deprive another person of his or her sense of liberty and security. Personal liberty crimes vary in types and forms, such as from kidnapping to written threats. During a private meeting, an attorney from our firm can go more into detail about what personal liberty crimes are and their potential penalties in South Florida.
- Stalking: Committed when a person willfully, maliciously, and continuously follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person
Aggravated Stalking: As an attorney can further explain, aggravated stalking is committed in South Florida when a person willfully, maliciously, and continuously follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person AND: the victim is under 16, or the defendant threatens the victim, or the defendant has a previous sex crime conviction, or there is a no contact order in place protecting the victim from the defendant.
False Imprisonment: The act of depriving another person of personal liberty or freedom of movement for any length of time.
Human Trafficking: committed when a person knowingly, or in reckless disregard of the facts, transports, recruits or obtains another person for the purpose of exploiting him or her for labor services or commercial sexual activity.
Kidnapping: Committed when a person forcibly, secretly, or by threat confines, abducts, or imprisons another person against their will to hold as ransom or a hostage for money, to inflict harm, or to require them to commit to a felony crime.
Written Threats to Kill or Injure Someone: Committed when a person sends any written or electronic communication that contains a threat to kill or to commit bodily injury to another person, or contains a threat to conduct a mass shooting or an act of terrorism.
As personal liberty crimes vary in South Florida, so do the consequences. For first-degree misdemeanor stalking, for example, the penalties if convicted are up to one year in jail, one year on probation and up to $1,000 in fines.
On the other hand, Kidnapping can result in up to life in prison, life on probation and $10,000 in fines if convicted. Written threats to kill also can result in $10,000 worth of fines for a conviction, and up to 15 years in prison or on probation.
When it comes to consequences of personal liberty crimes, the penalties are steep – and you’ll need a great Fort Lauderdale Attorney to help protect and defend your rights.
Facing a personal liberty criminal charge in Fort Lauderdale can be scary and stressful. Your life, job, family, finances, criminal record and more are at stake.
We are here to listen, not judge, answer any burning questions that we know you will have and discuss our plan of action to achieve an amazing outcome for your case.
We believe that bad things happen to good people. If this is you, please give our office a call. Our South Florida personal liberty crimes lawyers always go above and beyond for every client – we take things seriously because your success is our success.
Free Personal Liberty Criminal Defense Strategy Session
We’re confident we can give you the personalized and aggressive defense you deserve to protect your rights if you’re facing a personal liberty criminal charge in South Florida.
Rossen Law Firm offers a FREE strategy session so you know how we’ll plan to get the best possible result for your case. Unlike most law firms, we don’t put a time limit on this meeting.
Fort Lauderdale Office Location
6400 N Andrews Ave #510
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Phone: (754) 206-6200